Brownfield Property Site Redesign in Kitchener, ON

Transforming brownfield sites

City of Kitchener
City of Kitchener

About the project

The Brownfield Property Site Redesign project in Kitchener, Ontario provided me with the opportunity to reimagine the development of a previously contaminated site. Using a range of design tools, including SketchUp, Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, and Lumion, this project aimed to transform a brownfield property into a sustainable and vibrant urban space. Through careful research, analysis, and design, the goal was to create a concept that maximized the site's potential while addressing environmental concerns.

Research & Analysis

Extensive research and analysis were conducted to understand the brownfield property and its surrounding context. The site's history and contamination issues were thoroughly investigated to identify the extent of the environmental impact and potential remediation strategies. Additionally, the project team assessed the site's location, accessibility, and neighborhood characteristics, including demographic data, infrastructure, and land use patterns. This research formed the basis for informed decision-making throughout the design process.

Findings and Recommendations

Based on the research and analysis, several key findings and recommendations emerged:

  1. Environmental Remediation: It was determined that thorough remediation was necessary to address the site's contamination. Recommendations included soil remediation techniques, groundwater management strategies, and the implementation of sustainable stormwater management systems to minimize environmental impacts.
  2. Mixed-Use Development: The site was recommended for a mixed-use development approach that integrated residential, commercial, and recreational elements. This would help create a diverse and vibrant community while maximizing the site's economic potential.
  3. Connectivity and Accessibility: The design prioritized connectivity and accessibility by incorporating pedestrian-friendly pathways, cycling infrastructure, and public transit options. This ensured that the site would be easily accessible and well-connected to the surrounding neighbourhood.
  4. Green and Open Spaces: Emphasis was placed on incorporating green and open spaces within the design. This included the integration of parks, green roofs, and community gardens to promote sustainability, enhance quality of life, and improve the overall aesthetics of the site.
  5. Sustainable Design: The project strongly advocated for sustainable design principles, such as energy-efficient buildings, renewable energy integration, and the use of recycled and locally sourced materials. Additionally, the incorporation of green infrastructure and sustainable stormwater management systems aimed to minimize the project's ecological footprint.

Key Takeaways

  1. The importance of thorough research and analysis to understand the environmental, social, and economic context of a brownfield site.
  2. The critical role of environmental remediation in transforming contaminated sites into safe and sustainable urban spaces.
  3. The significance of mixed-use development to create vibrant and diverse communities that cater to various needs and enhance economic viability.
  4. The integration of connectivity, accessibility, and multimodal transportation options to ensure seamless movement within and around the site.
  5. The incorporation of green and open spaces, along with sustainable design principles, to promote environmental sustainability, community well-being, and aesthetic appeal.

By leveraging design tools such as SketchUp, Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, and Lumion, this project enabled the visualization and communication of the site redesign concept effectively. It provided a platform to explore innovative solutions and demonstrate the potential of brownfield property revitalization, ultimately contributing to the sustainable development of Kitchener, Ontario.

Interested in working together? Get in touch today.