Rebranding Costco Vitamins

Redesigning Costco's vitamin line

Costco / Kirkland Signature
Costco / Kirkland Signature

About the project

This project involved a redesign of the packaging for Costco's vitamin line. The main goals were to create a more modern and visually appealing design, while also making the vitamins more accessible and easy to understand for consumers.

Design Process

The design process started with extensive research and gathering inspiration from various sources. I identified issues with the previous packaging, such as its outdated look and lack of clear information about what the vitamins do. Through market research, I also found a gap in the market for modern and visually appealing vitamin packaging.

From there, I developed a new logo using a more modern font that still maintained the original character of the Costco brand. I also created a suite of iconography to depict what each vitamin does, making it easier for consumers to understand and choose the right vitamin for their needs.

Additionally, I added two illustrated characters - one of a sun and one of a heart - to the packaging. This modern take on retro cartoon style adds a playful and friendly touch to the design.

Design itself

The new packaging features a more modern logo, with slightly differing colors including an off-white, yellow, and pink. The iconography clearly represents each vitamin's purpose, such as a bone for bone health. The illustrated characters also add a playful and inviting touch to the packaging.

Key Takeaways

The key takeaway from this project is that modern and visually appealing packaging can make a big difference in attracting consumers to a product. Additionally, providing clear information about the product's purpose can make it more accessible and user-friendly.

If I could go back in time and start this project again...

If I could go back in time, I would have conducted even more market research to ensure the design truly meets the needs of the target audience. Additionally, I would have tested the design with real consumers to get their feedback and make adjustments accordingly.

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