3D Produce Photography & Branding for Witch's Brew Coffee

A coffee brand and product that incites feelings of Autumnal nostalgia

Adobe Creative Jam
Adobe Creative Jam

About the project

Witch’s Brew is a coffee product that is meant to incite feelings of autumnal nostalgia stemming from happy and spooky memories made in the fall season. This project was made for the Adobe Creative Jam Virtual Product Photography Challenge.

Problem Statement

To create a coffee product that is irresistible and unique. The product must be showcased in a virtual photography set, that is eye-catching and not only demonstrates what a product looks like, but also expresses the product brand and experience.


I created a unique coffee brand that's highest marketable potential is during the Fall season.

My Role

Graphic designer, brand creator, and virtual photographer

Design Process

The entire design process including researching, mood boarding, creation, and deliverables resulted in a fun coffee brand and product.


The goal of the research step is to learn more about the coffee industry and possible competitors. I used designs from Chamberlain Coffee and Starbucks sources of inspiration for what people typically look for in coffee packaging. I analyzed what what worked, what doesn’t work, and how I can make improvements to coffee bag packing. I also created a list of competitors in the Halloween and Fall coffee industry because that is the marketing niche that Witch's Brew Coffee will be targeting.


I sketched out some rough product packaging ideas.

Design Questions

Than I though about the following questions

What emotions and thoughts should I use as design triggers?

  • Halloween
  • Fall
  • Nostalgia
  • Childhood memories

What’s the message of the design?

  • That this is must have coffee in the Fall
  • It will bring you childhood nostalgia
  • It is deliciously spooky

Mood boarding

After gathering some ideas, I create a mood board of things I felt aligned with the design message of Witch's Brew Coffee


Every year, during the Fall, there’s a shift in the air and the distant voice of childhood is calling. As the leaves change color, Halloween decor is brought out, and pumpkin spice lattes are back at Starbucks. I wanted to create a logo and branding that emulated the feelings of Fall.


Interested in working together? Get in touch today.